January 05, 2025 4 min read
Welcome to the Guide to Sustainable Fat Loss & 30-Day Challenge!
If you’ve ever had trouble losing excess body fat, or keeping it off afterwards, this guide and challenge are for you.
This isn’t some quick fix to help you lose body fat fast only to gain it all back again, or some miracle product that helps you lose body fat but also harms you in some other way.
No, this is a very exact protocol that addresses the reasons you gained the excess body fat in the first place, why it’s so hard to lose it, and why it’s so easy to gain it back again once you have lost it.
It also addresses physical form, building up the muscle that helps to shape our body.
Even more, once you’ve lost the excess body fat on this challenge, you will be in a position to easily keep it off, because you will know exactly what caused it in the first place.
And you won't go hungry during it.
The way this challenge and guide are laid out, you will first read an overview of what is happening in our bodies when we carry excess weight, what causes this and what we’ll be doing to address this, and then we’ll jump right into the protocol, diet and exercise regimen.
Then, once we’ve started on the challenge, you’ll read specific articles diving into various aspects of your body that cause you to gain or cause you to keep the weight, as well as articles covering what you will be experiencing at different points of the challenge and why.
This is because those who really understand what’s happening tend to get the very best results because they take it more seriously. They’re not just doing what they’re told to do, they understand why they’re told to do it and so it starts to come under their control.
Those who read the full guide are able to fully understand the protocol and so achieve the full results, in some cases losing as much as 10 inches in 30 days.
They aren’t hungry, the have higher energy levels, they feel better mentally, and they are much healthier overall.
Even more, they keep the weight off afterwards.
So knowing what you are addressing, why you are doing what you are doing, and what is happening within your body at different stages is KEY.
It gets you results and puts you in control of your health for the long term.
By the end of this 30-Day Challenge:
You will no longer have sugar cravings (or they’ll be almost gone).
You will have lost inches of body fat.
Your hormones will have been addressed allowing for keeping the body fat off.
Your mood and energy levels will be higher.
Your muscle tone and physical shape will have improved markedly.
And... you won't be gaining it all back again.
But even more importantly, at least for me, you’ll now understand yourself much more and you will be in control of your health.
One more thing to think with. If you have a somewhat hard, protruding stomach, which feels almost like a balloon when pushing on it, this is likely bloating caused by gas from harmful bacteria and candida.
These bacteria will make the fat loss challenge much harder as they slow or prevent digestion to a degree, cause raised sugar cravings which are harder to get past and which can derail a fat loss diet, and create this bloating which can appear to be excess body fat when it actually isn't.
If you have this, I would highly recommend starting with the Gut Health Protocol to address this first. In fact, by doing the Gut Health Protocol, if it is what is needed, you will likely lose inches from around your waste that you earlier thought was excess body fat.
And it will make the Fat Loss Protocol much easier when you start it.
Or, if there is not too much of this, you can simply take Gut Restore while doing the Fat Loss Protocol and you should be fine.
Alright, let’s get started.
We’re going to cover some key data, so you understand exactly what we’re doing and why, and then we’ll jump right into the protocol so you have time to prepare.
Go to The Key To Sustainable Fat Loss: Calories + Hormones.
And if you haven't already, make sure you join our PerfectAmino VIP Group, where you can ask all your health & fitness questions.
You can purchase any missing products you may need and save 15% when you sign up for a subscription, or save by getting a 30-Day Fat Loss Protocol Package.
Introduction & Getting Started:
Week One:
Week Two:
Week Three:
Week Four:
Week Five:
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